White Paper

Nudge and its use in learning & development

White paper: Nudge and L&D


The project

What do a fly and an elephant have in common?

The first one, on a sticker, has been remarkably effective in improving airport toilet cleanliness. The other one appears on the cover of a book that has sold millions of copies. These two animals are among the most common illustrations of the Nudge theory.

Winner of the 2017 Nobel Prize in Economics, the Nudge theory is being widely discussed. Whether in exploratory, praising, or questioning articles, many media and organizations are taking up this new topic.

By providing new insights into the mechanisms that drive our decisions and actions, Nudge theory seems to offer tremendous opportunities for many fields, such as learning & development.

IIn this white paper, discover how this theory came about and applies to Learning & Development stakes, particularly through digital solutions.

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