
10 Million for Fifty, eDoing well - eLearning Letter

A successful second round of financing for a start-up that could change the game (in training and elsewhere): Alexia Cordier (CEO, Fifty) rightly insists on the major challenge for organisations to transform themselves by helping employees to change their behaviour. This is what the eDoing platform is aiming for, and what the new investors have perfectly understood.

What are the needs of eDoing?

Alexia Cordier: L&D management and employees alike face a major challenge in training: only 12% of knowledge acquired is actually put into practice (source: Harvard Business Review). Behavioural sciences have shown that learning, even in an engaging way, does not mean that we succeed in changing in real life! Fifty therefore tackles the problem directly: how to develop new habits in one's daily life? By combining the work of two Nobel Prize winners in the behavioural sciences (including nudge) with technology, eDoing will promote and measure pragmatic and empowering change for everyone.

What are the benefits for the training departments of French companies?

Alexia Cordier: For the first time, the L&D departments have an indicator of behavioural change at the collective level: which habits are most easily adopted in the company and the reverse... A clear vision of the end (change) rather than the means (connection time on the platform).

Read the full article HERE.